Fast Aiming

Статистика ddz

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Комментарии 2
ZL.nick 24 августа 2018, 8:50 MSK
Did you ever score more than 50000?
ddz 24 августа 2018, 19:06
ErezKristal 16 мая 2017, 1:36 MSK
Best in the world.
Did you change dpi settings two times?

What are you using now?
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ErezKristal 17 мая 2017, 3:22
ddz, Do you think sometimes 500 would serve better if you stretched the screen to 150% to emulate game better?

I'm making vast improvement over time with 400 dpi. but maybe its possible to go faster and still keep agreeable accuracy. It can help tracking with fast melee enemies. And save some valuable ms when turning.
ddz 17 мая 2017, 11:03
Yes try and play with a dpi and zoom% that feels similar to your in game sensitivity.
ErezKristal 17 мая 2017, 11:38
ddz, I upped my sensitivity to 500. And I see what you mean about dpi making a smaller difference in accuracy. I like it how after we train our mind, arm and hand are capable of pushing us to higher limits we couldn't reach before training. Changing to 500 made me a little bit faster a little bit less accurate, but it didn't screw with my training, Which is great. Just got to take it one day at a time and never skip training. :-)